Tuesday, July 19, 2011


This was a great Wimba tonight. I thought our brief discussion on the plethora of issues we are facing as school districts are adding more and more rules and regulations.
Some of my fears of the publishing/presenting assignment were alleviated tonight. I'm kind of excited about putting together the culminating activity to summarize the CBR project.

An interesting side note, the education co-op that I work for is doing a couple summer sessions for teacher professional development on project based learning.

There was some confusion on the abstract assignment due Sunday. I'm glad we clarified that this is a summary of the CBR project. I believe on that page on our websites (presentation) there is also a Lit Review summary.

Quote of the night, "the landscape is on fire!" We are the change agents that can and will make the future of education different than what it is today. WE can make the pendulum swing the other way.

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