Thursday, June 30, 2011


 Mike Skocko's blog stated:

And say not thou my copy right or wrong, nor shed thy blood for an unhallowed cause.
Like that remix of John Quincy Adams’ warning not to blindly follow one’s country? Well, like it or not, both versions lead me into temptation and ambivalent feelings, just as Part I of our Copyright Issues reading did. For instance, consider Good Copy Bad Copy. The creatorsinvite downloads but send readers to The Pirate Bay.There’s no way I’m going to use a torrent site. I don’t care that it’s legal in Sweden. As a teacher, I’m supposed to lead by example, right? So instead, I opened Safari’s Activity Window and Option+Double-Clicked the video feed to snag a copy for myself.
My comment was: 
Sure enjoyed the video. It was very informative.
Wondering what your thoughts are on copyright and piracy issues while using online file conversion sites. If you use these borrowed items for personal use only is that okay? Or are there legal ramifications to converting urls, videos, etc?

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