Thursday, June 30, 2011


Sonni Jackson's blog stated: 
"In high school, I wrote a piece of music and I remember my teacher telling me it sounds like a song he’d heard before.  However, I’d never heard the song or of the author.  With the amount of music and other creatively created art in the world, it stands to reason that innocent creators will create something that is either the same or extremely similar to something that already exists.  How do you overcome this issue while not stifling the creative community?" 
My response is: 
For some reason I can not post a comment here. This is now my third attempt. I keep getting a word verification thing, but there is no spot to type it in to verify.
I concur with the last paragraph. The pure mass of information that we are bombarded with daily somehow is processed and filed in our brains. When this process happens, there is bound to be mash-ups and remixes as brain files like information together.
So are there really any original ideas? Or are they all just one complex mash-up?

June 30, 2011 7:48 AM

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